Simply Surviving or Living?
So many lives were lost before they could ever have the chance to truly live.
That night, in the early hours of April 15th, 1912, so many stories came to an end. So many lives were lost before they could ever have the chance to truly live. And that sad fact brings me to why I’m writing today. At the end of the movie (albeit fictional), Jack makes Rose promise that she’ll survive. He says she’ll go on to live her life and make lots of babies and die an old woman in her bed at night, but not this night. Rose, of course, agrees and promises him that she will. What I don’t know if she knew at the time, is that she was promising to live a life so full it could be counted for both of them.
What I don’t know if she knew at the time, is that she was promising to live a life so full it could be counted for both of them.
It’s later revealed in a series of photographs that Rose took Jacks last name to start a new life for herself. She went on to do all the things they’d talked about doing in life together. She became an actress, went fishing, rode an elephant, flew a plane, rode a horse not side-saddle, and ultimately raised a loving family. Rose didn’t just “survive” – she truly lived.

Isn’t that what we should all do? But instead, how many of us make life about merely surviving? How many go one day at a time just to “get through it?” I know I’ve done that more often than I’ve lived.
There have certainly been seasons of my life when I’ve considered it a “win” to just get through one day at a time. And honestly, in some cases, that’s all I was capable of doing and there’s nothing wrong with that. The issue lies in falling into that pattern when you are capable of so much more!
For Rose, all she wanted was to stop putting on a show for all the rich folks and her mother just for the sake of money. It doesn’t seem like money ever mattered to her. If it did, through meeting Jack, she came to realize that the void she was feeling could never be satisfied by fancy clothes and rare diamond necklaces. That void needed to be filled with truly living her life by doing all that she couldn’t when others were watching her every move. She realized that she wanted to go ice fishing and she wanted to learn to ride a horse without needing to be “proper” and she wanted to raise a “normal” family outside of needing money and things. By the time she was 101 years of age, she is shown to be contentedly making pottery with her hands – literally getting down and dirty simply for the joy of creating art.
“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” – John 10:10b (MSG)
We are meant to enjoy life!! “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” – John 10:10b (MSG). We are fully and wholly capable of having fun and living life to the fullest. When we promise to survive this world, we can choose to do just that – simply survive, or we can live. We can create art in any form we want (personally, I love to color). We can make new friends. We can go skydiving or backpacking through Thailand! We can simply choose to love and cherish every moment we have with family, laughing as much as possible. No matter what, you can choose life.

How will you choose to fully live today? Next week? Next year? Will you just survive life, or will you live it?
This was such a beautiful movie and had a lot of meaning. So many people are so caught up in today they forget to live. I try my best to remember this daily but it is hard sometimes. Thanks for the reminder to truly live my life to it’s full potential. 🙂
Yes!! I love it for so many reasons! That one, in particular, had just especially stood out to me this time around – glad it could serve as a good reminder to you as well!
I love this message, as life was created to have beautiful depth that touches our Soul. It’s not about the bank account! It’s definitely about the experiences and the zest that we put into them. Thank you for such an inspiring piece.
You’re welcome!! I’m glad it could inspire you to live for the experiences life has to offer!
I have been a survivor now for a few year. In the last couple of months I have realized I want to LIVE. My family deserves a mom who will live life to its fullest, not just survive from day-to-day. This was a great post. Thank you for reminding us to live.
As someone whose own mom went through cancer, god bless you in choosing to live life to the fullest after surviving! You’re welcome for the reminder!!
I’ve been really trying to tune into my body and my mind and read the signals they send to me in each moment. I moved to rural TN temporarily as my husband finishes his first two years of med school out here and I was just trying to get by. I wasn’t really truly living. Just passing the time until we could be somewhere I want to be.
No longer. This is my life here. Even if it’s only for two years. That’s two years of life that I need to LIVE.
Exactly!! Every moment of every day in every week in every year counts!! Make the most of those two years! Make some new friends who, if you then move away in two years, you’ll miss because relationships matter!! Enjoy your life and live to the fullest!
I love this message! Good reminder to us all to live our lives to the fullest, every day! Thank you!:)
You’re very welcome!!
Thanks for sharing! I’m in a place of surviving right now – and that where I need to be with a preschooler, a busy toddler, and a newborn at home. But reading your article encourages me to look forward to thriving again!
Exactly!! It’s completely okay to be at a place and be able to admit that you’re just getting by for now… but it’s the FOR NOW part that matters if you can recognize it!
Such an inspirational post!
Thank you!! I’m so glad!
Wow. Very profound thought. So much of our “daily grind” is about simply surviving. Thank you for the reminder to live! Well said!
Thank you!!