About the Blog

Lilacs & Avocados is a personal blog to share about life in all its many forms. Every single experience we have in this crazy thing called life has the potential to mold and shape who we are. It’s my goal to share from my own experiences and lessons learned how I’ve not only survived what life has thrown my way, but how I’ve learned to thrive despite of it and through it all.
It is my hope that you take what I share and let it seep into your own life – through the struggles and the triumphs – and can then keep walking through your life with strength and dignity, and with the ability to laugh at the days to come, no matter what they may hold in store for you.
Join me in this journey and please don’t hesitate to share your own comments or stories! You can interact with me by either commenting under the posts themselves, or by emailing me your thoughts at LilacsAndAvocados@gmail.com. I would love to hear how my posts resonate with you!