Ever since I was young, my Dad has exemplified what a truly good man looks like. Many little girls grow up thinking their dad is the “best dad” or that he holds all the qualities you’ll ever need to find in a “prince” one day. For me, though, when I grew up and figured out that all of life isn’t a fairytale, I realized that my Dad still exemplifies the…
- Tag: living -
One of the most frustrating things to me in this day and age is how many women behave in a way that is just plain wrong… but chalk it up to being a strong, independent, woman. While I believe having a faith can certainly come into play with how a person chooses to treat others, I also believe that no matter one’s faith, race, education (or anything else), there are…
Yesterday I decided to re-watch Titanic. Yes, I do mean the 1997 sensation with young Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet and a phenomenal score. I’ve always loved the movie. Well, I loved it ever since I was allowed to watch it. I was only 7 or 8 when the movie came out and I remember my Dad being completely obsessed with it. Because of him, I’m now fascinated with all…
Hello, there!

It's so nice to meet you! My name is Megan. I'm an artist, a thinker, and a Christian by faith. They mold who I am and who I want to be - all contributing to this blog. ... Read more..